SCSD#3 Board Discusses Lunch Prices, New Science Courses

In action items at the SCSD#3 board meeting held Wednesday, March 9, the board approved the hiring of Adam Georgeson as the new K-12 special education teacher, and also approved the resignation of Lauren Hallcroft who was the special education paraprofessional and the High school assistant basketball coach.
The budget was discussed, this year the school is doing well financial wise, but Business Manager Greg Rohrer felt that for the upcoming year’s budget, it would be easier to budget if the staff contracts could be approved at the May board meeting instead of the June one so these salaries could be figured into the budget for the year. The board will take it under advisement. Raising the lunch prices was discussed and could help the bottom line.
Dr. Brown also reported on the legislature, and so far, the re-redistricting bill is still in committee, and many of the bills introduced died. Brown mentioned that house bill 30 passed, and it was good news for small schools,
Another topic was giving students more options for graduation requirements. Loyce Ellingrod, school counselor and Amanda Ruby, science teacher, felt that the two new classes would be beneficial, especially for students who struggle with math and don’t feel they want to take chemistry. Dr. Brown elaborated on the proposed courses.
A fueling station for the school vehicles was also discussed, and Chris Schock, trustee, felt there might be a collaborate effort between the town, the Clearmont Fire Department and the school on a fueling station.