Dougherty Honored for Years at SCSD2

Craig Dougherty accepts a signed hard hat from Sue Wilson, board chairman
The Sheridan County School District #2 board presented retiring superintendent Craig Dougherty with a hard hat signed by all the school board members and a cake to celebrate his last school board meeting before he moves on from SCSD 2.
Dougherty had this to say about his time at SCSD2.
The board also heard a report from coach Don Julian about the SHS boys track team winning the state championship for the first time since 1959. “Its been over 60 years since we have won a state championship.” He told the board.
He added that the students in sports and activities not only excelled in that, but maintained a high grade point average as well. “Its a great testament to making grades a priory.” Julian said. “All sports saw an increase in 2021.”
He also mentioned that the sports that were streaming attracted a lot of viewers. “I think that we will continue that. Fifteen events had over 1000 views. All together there were 77, 559 views total for all events.”
The speech class competed nationally via the internet, and Julian said, “As we proceed into the future, we find more and more that we can participate in national events from here at home.”
In talking about the tough year that the school went through due to the Covid-19 restricts, he said, “We made it work.”
Board Vice-Chair Arin Waddell commented that her children benefited greatly in SCSD #2 activities. “Thank you from my family and my children.”
Scott Stults gave a report on the John C. Schiffer High School construction, saying they plan for completion by the end of June.
Cyndi Magee gave a report on the Ranch to Table program, where local ranchers donate beef or sell it to the school for a discounted price. “We have several ranchers who are participating in the program,” Magee said. Padlock Ranch donation of 7; Cato Ranch, donation and discount purchase, 4; Milner Ranch, donation 2; Prusak Ranch Discount, 2; Sheridan Ranches, donation, 1; Sheridan County Conservation District, 1 beef purchased from Laura Foster with Verona Cattle, donation, 1. All in all 17 head of beef was either donated or discounted for the school.

The Ranch to Table program helps students and area ranchers
Magee added that Western Heritage Meat Company is donating the processing and beeves will be processed on July 20 of this year. “There will be banners on display in the school featuring the donors and highlighting their generosity. The ranchers will be invited to speak to the students so they can learn about ranching and what it takes to raise food. SCSD2 hopes to continue the program for years to come and will continue to buy or accept donations of local beef.”
Arin Waddell commented, “I am excited about this. There is a lot of enthusiasm, and this is capturing a great moment. I’m sure Padlock will continue to be a strong partner.”
The updated school calendar was approved, with a few more breaks added in the 2021-22 calendar to help to cut down on teacher absences. There are three extra three day weekends added for teachers in the new calendar.
Mitch Craft also reported on the Sheridan High School College Connection Center, and asked the board for approval of Draft Consolidated Grant, “We need you to give us a green light to submit a grant application to access these federal funds,” Craft said. Board voted to approve the application.
Shawn Stevens approached the board to for approval for the purchase of a new bus to replace the 2012 International School Bus which needs extensive repairs. Board voted to authorize $117,682 for a new bus, delivery in October.
Brandon Finney reported that the panel displays for the John C. Schiffer Collaborative School was awarded to Top Office Products, Sheridan.
The Superintendent’s report from Dougherty mostly spoke about his 25 years he has been with SCSD# 2.
He had this to say about the quality of Sheridan schools.
Sue Wilson, who presented Dougherty with the signed hard hat, had this to say, “We can be very thankful for the administrative team we work with, and thanks to Craig for the people he has hired for this team.”
Meeting was adjourned at 7:35.