State Education Board Approves Public Input on Proposed Mathematics Performance Standards

The Wyoming State Board of Education (SBE) voted to approve the collection of public input on the proposed Mathematics Performance Standards and adopted the WIDA English Language Development Framework for English Language Learners (ELL) at its February 25, 2021 board meeting. The state will continue to use the ACCESS for testing the progress of ELL students toward proficiency on ELL standards.
The board also encouraged a statewide conversation regarding high school graduation standards through the Profile of a Graduate initiative, which included a panel of four Wyoming high school youth who spoke with the board on the opportunities and challenges each faced as they transitioned from high school. Graduates also shared ways in which high school prepared them for the future and suggested areas in which Wyoming education could provide greater focus in preparing students for life after high school.
“We loved hearing from these recent graduates,” said SBE Chairman Ryan Fuhrman. “Their willingness to share their perspectives and wisdom was very beneficial and the perfect way to launch our conversations around our Profile of a Graduate listening sessions. We are eager to hear more and hope upcoming listening sessions will be just as beneficial.”
The panel is the first of several being planned for upcoming state board meetings.
Profile of a Graduate public listening sessions will be held in March and April to identify the knowledge, skills, and attributes students should have when they graduate. Participants will be asked to provide their perspectives and ideas regarding the key skills and experiences students need in order to be prepared for life after high school.
The first two virtual listening sessions are scheduled from noon-1 p.m. on March 9 and 6-7 p.m. on March 10. The public is encouraged to participate in this important conversation and may register for either of the virtual listening sessions. Register in advance for March 9 or March 10.
In further business, the SBE conducted officer elections. The board unanimously re-elected Ryan Fuhrman as board chair, Max Mickelson as vice-chair, and Bill Lambert as treasurer. The board also said farewell to retiring board members Sue Belish, Nate Breen, and Walt Wilcox who collectively have served on the state board for 26 years.
“Wyoming is indebted to the contributions of these board members to our education system,” Fuhrman said. “They truly embody what service looks like. The state board will miss their knowledge, questions, and kindness.”
For more information about the SBE and the next meeting, visit the SBE website and follow the SBE on Facebook and Twitter.