A Look Back in Time: March 5, 1921

Now here’s Sheridan Media’s look back in time, to 100 years ago, by reporter Pat Blair as published in the Sheridan Enterprise newspaper on March 5, 1921.
Sheridan high school’s boys will go to Buffalo tonight for a basketball game there. No girls’ games are scheduled.
Campbell Stroud, city water superintendent, says the snowfall was light during the last winter and no water that comes with the spring rains and snows should be allowed to waste.
Sheridan city banks today reported that, as of Feb. 21, total bank deposits in the city amounted to over $6.2 million – just under $680 per capita.
Dayton’s orchestra dance scheduled for tonight has been postponed until March 12 because of the Ranchester farm bureau dance tomorrow.
For more lookbacks and to see the front page of today’s Sheridan Enterprise, visit