Forum set for superintendent finalists

Three finalists have been selected for the position of superintendent of Sheridan County School District 2, and a community forum in which the public can meet the three is set for next week.
The finalists, chosen out of a field of more than 30, according to current District 2 Superintendent Craig Dougherty are Priscilla Hopkins, Scott Stults and Teresa Rensch.
Stults is an assistant superintendent for instruction/human resources for District 2. Hopkins is executive director of early education with the Denver, Colorado, public schools, and Rensch is director of education services for Konocti Unified School District in California.
Sue Wilson, who’s chair of the Sheridan County School District 2 board of trustees, said the pool of finalists is “outstanding.”
Candidates will interview next Monday with a variety of stakeholders including district teachers, principals, members of the central administrative team and the trustees.
A community forum is scheduled at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday for district staff, students, parents and other members of the public. Participation in the forum will be available via a live stream link posted on the district’s website and in-person to 100 people. The new superintendent will replace Dougherty, who is retiring effective June 30 after 21 years in the position.
The live stream link will be posted by Tuesday morning at In-person tickets are available through the WYO Theater, and the forum will be at the Sue Henry Auditorium at Sheridan High School.
Tickets, masks and physical distancing will be required of all who attend the forum in person.