Sheridan County libraries are open, with limitations

Sheridan County Fulmer Public Library and the branch libraries in Story, Ranchester and Clearmont are all open as of this week.
Library Director Cameron Duff announced the library openings at the library trustees’ board meeting earlier this week. Duff said the branch libraries will be open for their normal hours.
Duff said for the last couple of weeks, the Fulmer Library has closed at 5 p.m. daily. He said the library isn’t quite at the point of staying open until 9 o’clock at night during the week.
He said people also are being allowed into the building for an extended time, although social distancing is still in place, and people will be limited to only one hour on the library computers.
He said the libraries still have to follow the recommendations and guidelines of the county Incident Management Team, the county health officer and the governor, but the libraries are trying to provide as many services to the community as possible.
Duff said the library’s meeting rooms will start slowly opening up, and the Wyoming Room is already open, although to limited use and with social distancing in place. Duff said only three tables are available and only three chairs.
But, he said, people can use the Wyoming Room for research, and staff will be available to help.