Spanish Influenza, Nov.26, 1918

Sheridan Media reporter Pat Blair looks back in time, over 100 years ago, to the impact of Spanish influenza as reported in the pages of the Sheridan Enterprise in 1918.
Mrs. R. V. Hotchkiss of Gladstone street, one of the faithful nurses of flu patients in the emergency hospital, was finally taken with the disease herself. She and her little daughter have been sick for two weeks. They are both convalescing and as of today, Nov. 26, reported to be doing nicely.
Mrs. Charles Lanier is in the city from the ranch near Dayton and is generously nursing influenza patients at the emergency hospital.
Mrs. William Frackelton, who has been nursing in the Red Cross emergency hospital for six weeks, is taking a one-week vacation. Her work the last three weeks was to measure the medicine for 33 patients, tag each one and deliver the medication to the bedside to be taken.