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Senator Enzi: ‘Congress May Not Have the Tools For the Next Fiscal Crisis’

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At a nomination hearing Wednesday for the director the White House Office of Management and Budget, U.S. Senator Mike Enzi of Wyoming, who is the Budget Committee Chairman, said that he is increasingly concerned that the nation will not have the fiscal tools to address the next fiscal crisis.

Sen. Enzi

Enzi highlighted reforms contained in the Bipartisan Congressional Budget Reform Act, which was approved by the Budget Committee last November. He said the bill works to fix the government’s broken budget process, and would provide a more orderly and deliberative budget process focused on long-term fiscal planning. Enzi also called on OMB to provide Congress and the public with a federal program inventory so that lawmakers and taxpayers know exactly where federal money is going. Enzi said the inventory will help the government eliminate duplication and ensure programs are working as intended.

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    Fred Osborn

    June 4, 2020 at 8:07 am

    Congress? The White House occupants should be the place to point fingers at the current state of America.The do nothing Senate sits on their thumbs while America goes downhill. General Mattis is right.

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