Council to Receive Sales and Use Tax Update and Consider Request for a Three Lane Road Section on Main Street

The Sheridan City Council at their regularly scheduled business meeting Monday night will be receiving an update from City Treasurer Karen Burtis on the latest sales and use tax numbers for the City. Sheridan Mayor Roger Miller explains.
The Council will also be considering a staff recommendation requesting that WYDOT reconfigure Main Street to three lanes.
The Council meeting will take place at 7 Monday evening.

Clint Pickrel
May 17, 2020 at 12:38 pm
I am very supportive of a 3 lane road section on main.
Dennis Fox
May 17, 2020 at 5:18 pm
Let’s hope we all vote to lower the sales tax to 5% this November. That will let us all keep a little more money in our pockets. We can then spend it on things we need, which will boost sales in our economy. That will increase total sale tax revenue into the gov’t. Let’s NOT triple the tax, like we did with the Newly-imposed Tourism Tax! Bad idea in good times and an industry destroying, terrible idea now. Wyoming’s ill-timed Tourism Tax fiasco may go down in the record book of Dumb Legislation. The idiots who voted for it, should all be driven from office.