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Bear smart: living in bear country

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As the winter snow continues to melt in the Bighorn Mountains, bears are waking up from hibernation. 

Wyoming Game & Fish would like to remind recreationalists of the outdoors and rural homeowners that as bears wake from hibernation they will be in search of food.

During an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse, Wyoming Game and Fish public information specialist Christina Schmidt gave listeners some tips on preventing bears from choosing camps and homes as a source of food.

Wyoming Game & Fish also suggests using an electric fence to secure vegetable gardens and fruit trees. Secure seed bird feeders and sugar hummingbird feeders indoors during the night or hang them at least 10 feet above the ground and 4 feet from any tree trunk or fence pole.

If a bear wanders onto private property searching for food, do not approach the bear. Remove the attractant immediately after the bear leaves. Notify the Wyoming Game & Fish at the Sheridan Regional Office at 307-682-7418.  

Removing and securing possible food items will avoid giving bears a repeated food reward. Bears that associate people and places residents live with easy food rewards can become dangerous, and may eventually have to be killed.

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