JCSD1 Has Candidates for New Meadowlark Principal

During the Johnson County School Board meeting Monday night, Superintendent Charles Auzqui, in his report, Announced that the Meadowlark Principal Interview Committee has selected candidates to interview for the soon-to-be open position of principal at Meadowlark Elementary School.
The opening stems from the announcement of the retirement of current Meadowlark Elementary School Principal Laurie Graves, who will finish her contract through the end of this school year.
According to Auzqui’s report on the district website, the candidates to be interviewed are John Corbin, Heather Olsen, A’Lisa Mueller, and Jessica Cale.
The district received 15 total applications for the position.
Interviews will be conducted through the remainder of the month, with Auzqui making an offer to the top candidate before March 5, and him making a recommendation to the board for a decision at their regular meeting March 10.