Cell Phones, Leave, and Salaries Discussed at Teacher Roundtable

Several topics were discussed at the recent SCSD#2 Sheridan Central Education Association and teacher roundtable, which was held Monday, Jan 27.
Devon Johnston, SJHS Language Arts Teacher, introduced the SCEA speakers, Brian Rizer, SHS English teacher; Janet Peyrot, Meadowlark First Grade teacher, and Nick Flores, Special Education teacher in SCSD#2. In her opening remarks Devon thanked the SCSD#2 Board for the opportunity to speak about their concerns. She talked about the open-door policy at SCSD#2 and last month’s climate survey for SCSD#2. She said they received 212 responses.
“We thank all the certified staff members who responded to the survey,” Johnston said.

The survey covered such topics as what the teachers felt about student learning at the school; a feeling of belonging at the school and being treated with respect. There were also questions about the principals and the central office. One question dealt with student achievement, and ways that could be increased at the schools. The teachers ranked the topics on a scale of one to five, with five being highest, and most topics on the survey received a four or higher. The lowest ranked topic rated a 3.7, so the overall climate of SCSD#2 is considered every good.

“We appreciate the opportunity tonight to speak to several topics and work together to problem solve and highlight areas of strengths in our district,” Johnston said.
Johnston then turned the program over to Brian Rizer talked about the cell phone policy at SHS and John C. Schiffer schools.
He added that the teachers at SHS have communicated how the absence of cell phones has transformation the culture of SHS, making students more connected in the hallways and the lunchroom.
He said that this has led to a more focused school day for students and staff.

Nick Flores talked about the leave for teachers and staff. He said that although the policy has improved, many teachers feel it could still be better.
Teachers overwhelmingly want a better leave policy, he added. He felt that a better leave policy would help to increase moral among teachers.
Superintendent Scott Stults had this comment on the subject of teacher’s leave.
He added that they will continue to look at the issue and compare Sheridan to other districts in the state. He wondered if there could be a tiered approach to add more leave days. “We are certainly looking into that.”
Other topics discussed included the students in the school who are English learners, and Johnston said the English learners in Sheridan schools are increasing each year, and this year there are 65 students who are learning English as a second language. She said that the teachers were appreciative of the professional development, and they hope it continues.
Salary was another topic that is always of interest to teachers, and Peyrot said that Sheridan is a very expensive place to live, and teacher salaries were important for hiring and retaining teachers.
Trustee Ed Fessler added that as a former teacher he found this a very valuable time. “Every topic you have brought up is very real.”
Tomorrow night, Jan 29, there will be a public forum from 7-8 p.m. where teachers and community members can share their thoughts about the upcoming legislative topics. Concerns and comments will be passed on to the local legislators. It will be held at the SCSD#2 Central Office.