1 month agoon
cvannoyThe Clearmont Town Council met on Monday, December 16, at the Clearmont Town Hall with a light agenda.
Clerk Kirstie Auzqui talked about past due utility payments, she said there were 14 total residents in arrears, with three who currently have until Friday at 4 p.m. to make a payment, or they will face a water shut off on Monday, December 23. She said that 14 is a regular number of residents who have past due utilities in Clearmont.
Mayor Chris Schock reported on the upcoming WAM (Wyoming Association of Municipalities) Conference in January, which will include public officer training, and Mayor Schock urged all council members to take the training.
The council also talked about setting a work session on the future waterline replacement projects sometime in January. Shock said that the town didn’t need to hire an engineer to come up with a plan. The council agreed to set the work session for January 10.
Schock also reported on the residents putting up holiday decorations.
Councilman Greg Rohrer said he talked to Representative Cyrus Western recently about the direct distribution and it is “not looking positive,” Rohrer said.
Schock said he had talked to Govenor Gordon about direct distribution.
In the clerk’s report, Auzqui talked about putting up and outdoor bulletin board for town hall and she reported that the Women’s Club annual birthday calendar was printed and for sale in town. She also talked about looking into a new software program for the town.
Schock and town maintenance man Pete Bassett talked about the on-going problems with water well #3, and the town is still looking for a solution for that.
Schock also asked the council for ideas on honoring Senator Kinskey, who has helped Clearmont and the small towns when he was a legislator. It was discussed to rename Friendship Park, which is across the railroad tracks, to honor Kinskey.
The town also voted to be a sponsor of the Clear Creek Rec District newsletter, where they can post closures and town news.
There will be closures during the upcoming year. The town hall will also be closed on Christmas day.
The next meeting will be held on January 20 at town hall at 6 p.m.