CTG will bring the magic of Dickens to the Carriage House Theater

Local actors Christa Jensen and William Matteson made an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse to speak on the upcoming performances of the Civic Theater Guild’s presentation of an adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic holiday story “A Christmas Carol” adapted into a radio play by playwright Joe Landry.
According to CTG director Ian Cannon-Wallace, the adaptation is a play within a play. Jensen, Matteson and the others actors will be performing as characters working on a radio play.
Jensen is playing Lana Sherwood, who has taken on many parts in the play, including the Ghost of Christmas Past.
C. Jensen
Matteson plays Freddie Filmore, the actor playing the part of Ebenezer Scrooge.
W. Matteson
Performances will begin at 7 p.m. on Dec. 6, 7 , 13, 14 and also 2 p.m. Dec. 8, 15. All performances will be at the Carriage House Theater, located at 419 Delphi, on the grounds of the Trail End Historic Site.
Purchase tickets by clicking here. Guests who purchase tickets for Dec. 6, 7, or 8, will also be granted admission to The Trails End Historic Site’s Holiday Open House tour of Kendrick Mansion. Present the ticket to “A Christmas Carol” for admission. The Holiday Open House will be open from 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. Dec. 6, 7, and 8.