Cell Phone Use in Sheridan Schools: SCSD #2

Today, nearly everyone has a cell phone, they are invaluable in many instances. But there are some places where cell phones create more of a problem than a solution. One of these places is in school. The superintendents at the three school districts in Sheridan County talked about the policies in their schools. This is the interview with Superintendent Scott Stults SCSD#2.
During the past year, Sheridan High Schools and Junior High Schools in Sheridan County School District #2 have enacted a cell phone policy for the students, and Superintendent Scott Stults explains how it is working for the school year so far.
That was different from last year, when students could use cell phones in passing periods, lunch, possibly even during class if teachers permitted it. “That is no longer the case,” Stults said.
He said that he wanted to reassure parents about safety concerns.
“This is an extremely positive step forward, and I applaud Mr. Cleland and Mr. Swan for choosing to put this cellphone policy in place.”

Stults added that the K-8th grade students have always had the same policy, so students coming into the Junior High see nothing different. He said the kids have been extremely cooperative, and that teachers are doing a great job modeling the policy to their students.
He said he has shared this with other superintendents across the state and this is a great decision for our kids. Stults said that the national data shows that social media aids in depression and anxiety as well as cyber bullying. “We’re modeling to them there are better ways to communicate,” he said.
“When we make decisions that are best for our kids, this is absolutely one of them. Our teachers applauded this, and they also see more student engagement and less distractions, and more opportunities to be focused on learning.”
Sheridan County School District #1 and SCSD#3 superintendents have addressed cell phone usage in their schools, and those stories will be posted later.