Wyoming Game and Fish Department to host community conversations on mule deer in Sheridan Region

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department Sheridan Region is inviting the public to upcoming community conversations about mule deer. These discussions will allow landowners, hunters and wildlife enthusiasts to engage directly with Game and Fish to share their insights and discuss the future of Wyoming’s mule deer management.
During an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse Game and Fish Public Information Specialist Christina Schmidt said these meetings will not have formal presentations, but will instead offer participants the opportunity to ask questions and visit with wildlife biologists and game wardens about the conservation and management of local herds. Those wishing to participate will have the opportunity to come and go throughout the designated time frames.
C. Schmidt
These informal meetings will be held at the following locations. Members of the public are welcome to stop in at any time during the listed hours.
Sheridan’s meetings will happen at two locations and time frames. Beginning at 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 23, at Rocky Mountain Discount Sports, 440 Broadway Str. And 1 p.m. to 3 p.m .Saturday, Nov. 23 at Sportsman’s Warehouse, 524 E. Brundage Ln.
In Buffalo, 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Nov. 23, at The Sports Lure 66 South Main St.
Gillette’s meetings will be 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 8, at Rocky Mountain Discount Sports, 4706 South Douglas Hwy. And 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8, at Sportsman’s Warehouse, 91 Town Center Dr.
Mule deer populations have been in decline throughout the West for many years. Game and Fish is working to better understand this dynamic and conserve mule deer in Wyoming through various efforts including the statewide Mule Deer Monitoring Project.
Based on the results of a 2023 hunter attitude survey, Wyoming hunters would like more of a voice in the future of this species’ management. These focused conversations are designed to connect the public with wildlife managers to facilitate discussion and provide space for diverse perspectives.
Mule Deer Community Conversations are being held across the state this fall. To learn more about Wyoming’s mule deer and ongoing conservation and management efforts, visit the Game and Fish mule deer webpage.