6 months agoon
Since 2018, the Wyoming Game and Fish have had confirmation of an American bullfrog presence at Kleenburn Pound north of Sheridan.
Herpetologist conducted a survey in the Sheridan region to determine if there were more in the area. That survey determined that there are large numbers of American bullfrogs present at Mavrakis Pond and several other sites along Big Goose Creek.
The bullfrog is an invasive species in Wyoming. American bullfrogs are native to the eastern United States. According to Game and Fish, Wyoming lacks predators accustomed to feeding on bullfrogs and the invasive species can quickly overwhelm the area and put native amphibians at risk.
According to Game and Fish Public Information Specialist Christina Schimdt, these invasive frogs eat almost anything they can fit in their mouths, causing substantial damage to native ecosystems.
During a recent appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse, Schimdt said now is the time bullfrogs should be making calls and the public may be able to hear them. The American bullfrog is much larger than native amphibians and emits a bull-like bellow.
Schmidt said a member of the public is responsible for alerting Game and Fish the initial presence of this invasive species.
C. Schmidt
Unfortunately, Schmidt said there is no technique available that can rid the area of the American bullfrog, but Game and Fish is developing a map containing documented bullfrog locations. G&F asks that if found outside the already known locations, mark the location on a GPS and notify the G&F office at 672-7418.
Find multiple sources online to learn the call of an American bullfrog.