Courthouse Set to Re-open Around May 1

Based on information from the state, the Sheridan County Courthouse is scheduled to remain closed until around the first of May.
That’s the word from Nick Siddle, chairman of the Sheridan County commissioners.
The courthouse has been closed since March 19.
Sheridan County’s libraries, which are operated through the county commission, are also closed at present, but Siddle said they get their direction from the state librarian’s association, and the commissioners are leaving those decisions to the county library board of trustees.
Still, Siddle thinks much of what happens in terms of closures remains dependent on how Sheridan County fares in the COVID-19 crisis. He said as of Friday, there were no active cases of the virus identified in Sheridan County, which is good news.
But, he added, county health authorities are prepared for more, and indications are that Wyoming’s peak for the virus won’t be until around the first week in May.
In the meantime, while the courthouse remains closed to walk-in traffic, the county has installed a new drop box on the corner of Brooks and Burkitt streets at the lower west entrance to the New Courthouse Addition.
The drop box is available to the public and businesses to safely deliver county documents without entering the courthouse. Documents placed in the box must be in an envelope and addressed to the proper county office or department.