Conservation District Activities Canceled, Postponed

A number of outreach activities normally scheduled by the Sheridan County Conservation District at this time of year have been canceled or postponed due to the COVID-19 virus.
Conservation District Manager Carrie Rogaczewski said that includes a meeting originally planned for later this month.
In addition, she said the district usually does butter-making and water quality demonstrations every year during National Ag Week, but those activities won’t be happening this year.
Rogaczewski provided updates to the conservation district supervisors in a recent meeting. She said the district is gearing up for the summer water monitoring season as well as preparing to plant the final extension of the living snow fence on Interstate 90 in early May.
She said the board of supervisors has asked conservation district staff to take proper precautions when they’re out working on these projects, including wearing face masks.
She said trees are still expected to come in on schedule for the district’s tree program, which will be in the early part of May.
Rogaczewski said the office, which the conversation district shares with the USDA, is currently closed to visitors, and most work of both staffs is being done at home.