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Governor Gordon Extends Public Comment for Sage-Grouse Map Modifications

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The Sage Grouse Implementation Team (SGIT) has modified the draft sage-grouse core area map after considering public comment. The updated map, Draft 3, is now available for public review and comment. The deadline to submit public comment is 5 p.m. on Sept. 19.  

The Bureau of Land Management is in the process of reviewing and modifying its 2015 sage-grouse management plans as ordered by a Federal District Court. For the past several months, SGIT has been updating the State of Wyoming’s sage-grouse core map and will present the map as part of the proposed Wyoming alternative for the  BLM to consider in their modified sage-grouse management plan.  

“SGIT has done remarkable and commendable work throughout the summer, and I encourage landowners, industry and the general public to review the updated draft map and provide public comment,” said Bob Budd, SGIT chairman. “External groups will likely attempt to petition the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to list the sage-grouse as endangered or threatened. The efforts the State of Wyoming is making through this mapping process is vital to present evidence that a listing is not warranted.”

The revised map is available on the SGIT webpage. Written comments will be accepted through 5 p.m. Sept. 19 through a Google form, email to or letters addressed to Bob Budd, Hathaway Building, Suite 161, 2300 Capitol Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82002. 

 SGIT will review the comments and make a recommendation to the Governor on a final map.  The Governor will formally submit the updated sage-grouse core area map as part of the Wyoming alternative to the Bureau of Land Management for their selection.

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