Governor Extends Public Comment Period on Sage-Grouse Maps, Will Hold Additional Meetings

In an effort to seek additional public comment, Governor Mark Gordon has extended the comment period on the Sage-grouse core area map revisions proposed by the Sage-grouse Implementation Team (SGIT) until 5 pm, July 28. This round of reviewing Sage-grouse core area maps has generated significant public interest and in response to that interest, Governor Gordon and the SGIT will hold additional meetings with landowners and other key stakeholders to outline, explain, take comments, and discuss proposed changes to the map. The proposed changes put forward by the SGIT were a result of the Bureau of Land Management’s decision to revise the 2019 Greater sage-grouse plans.
The next SGIT meeting will take place at 9 a.m. July 6 at the Lander Community and Convention Center located at 950 Buena Vista Dr. The informational meeting will provide an opportunity for public comment. SGIT Chairman Bob Budd said no decisions regarding additions or deletions to the current map will be made at the July 6 meeting, as the meeting remains an opportunity to explain the development process, answer questions and allow for public comment. Information on the SGIT process can be found here.