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Kinskey Explains Vote on Wyoming Outdoor Trust Bill

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State Senator Dave Kinskey (R-Sheridan, Johnson Counties), in his weekly talk with Sheridan Media from the legislative session, discussed his change of heart on House Bill 74, concerning a proposed trust that would benefit Wyoming Outdoors programs.

Kinskey earlier said he was supportive of Wyoming Outdoors programs, but was not in favor of another trust fund to support them.

He eventually voted for the bill this week, and explained why he chose to support it.

Kinskey said colleagues from the southwest corner of the state said the funds could be used for a program there that would expand roads for ATV riders that come in from other states as well as other parts of Wyoming that would benefit local economies in that area.

Outdoor programs such as that could benefit other parts of Wyoming, according to Kinskey.

The other factor that swayed Kinskey is a requirement that the process to choose the projects be transparent and take public input, which he thought greatly improved the bill, that he was then able to back.

He said although he still doesn’t like the idea of a trust fund, this one “might be the exception that proves him wrong.”



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    Charles Cole

    March 1, 2023 at 4:31 pm

    Seems everyday Sheridan Media bombards its site with pictures and quotes from Dave Kinskey and Mr. Crago. I can’t recall the last time you showed or wrote up anything involving Mark Jennings or Ken Pedergraft. A bit of bias showing through here, no?

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      Harriett Oleson

      March 2, 2023 at 3:42 pm

      If Mr. Jennings and Mr. Pedergraft are involved with great things, why don’t you Chuck, write a story about that on this forum. Seems to me, that all you do is incessantly complain about Sheridan Media. You do know Mr. Love doesn’t own it any more, right???

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    mark steingass

    March 1, 2023 at 7:23 pm

    I surmise that the only reason Kinskey changed his mind on house Bill 74 is because the entire Wyoming legislative branch of government is under intense scrutiny by voters for being too far right ultra conservative…good cop bad cop…

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    Lily Brown

    March 3, 2023 at 4:51 pm

    so, he doesn’t support it but votes for it anyway? Spending more taxpayer money for some ATV road that would be used by people from outside of WY when his own constituents need relief from the oppressive property taxes? wow!!! what a great supporter of the little people who voted for him. Next time maybe we won’t.

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