Feasibility Study For New Sheridan Hi-Tech Business Park Continues

The search continues to see where Sheridan could have another high-tech business park, if the city chooses to go that way.
The Sheridan Economic and Education Development Authority (SEEDA) is exploring options on whether to expand the current park on the city’s north side, or build a new park elsewhere.
Last year, SEEDA was awarded a $20,000 grant from the Wyoming Business Council for a feasibility study on Phase 2 of the business park.
SEEDA Administrator Robert Briggs explains what goes into the study.
“So as a starting point, what the consultant will be looking at is really reaching out to property owners that own sites that might make sense and seeing what their interest is in potentially cooperating with SEEDA and see what their interest is in looking at development similar to the high tech business park and another component with that is obviously that there’s an engineering assessment and a development cost assessment that goes into that. Not every piece of property is equal in terms of the ease of developing it and so there’s that technical aspect to it as well in terms of looking at how much excavation might be needed, how close are existing utilities, transportation to and from the site.”
Briggs adds he anticipates the study will be completed in March, and then the SEEDA board can discuss the results during the next meeting in April.