Rural Health Care District Moves Funds for Land Purchase

The Johnson County Rural Health Care District Board, in a special meeting Monday afternoon, voted to move funds from reserves into their regular budget to purchase land adjacent to the county fire hall on North Bypass Road.
Board Chair Marilyn Connolly explained the need for the special meeting.
Connolly said the decision to purchase the land was made at a meeting in Kaycee in 2021.
According to discussions, the idea behind purchasing the land is to eventually build a new ambulance barn on the site.
Some residents came to the meeting to ask questions about why the board was making the purchase now when budgets are tight and why they were moving forward when the current situation with Buffalo EMS was working fine.
Those that spoke were against the land purchase at least at this time.
According to Connolly, the transfer consists of $83,000 from the district’s Capital Facilities Improvement Reserves and will be moved to the district’s Board Expense line in their budget.
The cost of the land is $80,415 that includes $80,000 for the land and closing costs of $415.
The board voted on the matter and tied 2-2 with board members Jim Hicks and Mark Haines voting yes, and Marie Miller and Scott McBride voting no.
Connolly cast the deciding vote for, and the motion passed 3-2.