Game and Fish remind public of possible presence of HPAI

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is reminding residents to alert the department of any dead birds that show no signs of cause of death.
The cause for concern stems from the identification of highly pathogenic avian influenza in some wild birds in Wyoming by the Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory and confirmed by the National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa.
According to the Department of Agriculture, wild birds can be infected with HPAI and show no signs of illness. These birds can carry the disease to new areas when migrating, potentially exposing domestic poultry to the virus.
Game and Fish Public Information Specialist Christina Schmidt asked listeners of Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program to alert the department of any oddly behaving birds.
The disease is highly contagious and potentially deadly to domestic birds. Game and Fish ask that people do not touch the dead birds found in the wild or yards.
Note the location and notify the Sheridan Game and Fish Office at 307-672-7418.