DWS: grants available for internships for local businesses

A program that began in 2020 through the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services is designed to help businesses and potential interns.
The Workforce Development Training Fund has internship grants available to Wyoming businesses and will allow reimbursement of wages for up to 1040 hours/state fiscal year.
Wyoming Department of Workforce Services Director Ropbin Cooley told listeners of Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program a little about this grant opportunity.
According to the DWS:
• Intern eligibility is reserved for those who do not qualify for WIOA or Vocational Rehabilitation services in order to complement federal-funded work experience opportunities and not create a competing grant option.
• Requires a structured learning experience designed to offer interns the opportunity to more fully explore career interests.
• Preference will be given to businesses in preferred industries as defined by the WWDC.
For more information call the Sheridan Workforce Center at 307-672-9775.