WY SLIB Approves Grant For SEEDA

The Sheridan Economic and Educational Development Authority (SEEDA) has received the green light from Wyoming leaders to proceed with the next step of either expanding the business park on the north side of Sheridan, or build a new one elsewhere.
Last week the State Loan and Investment Board approved a 20-thousand dollar grant request through the Wyoming Business Council Business Ready Communities Program for SEEDA.
Robert Briggs who is the SEEDA Administrator says one of the next steps is to put out requests for proposals to look for design consultants that can help with the project and to figure out where the next phase of the business park will be.
“Although we certainly are looking at options that are in proximity of the existing business park, there’s a possibility that the next phase might be somewhere different, so this is really a continuation of the high tech business park concept, rather than necessarily the physical high tech business park itself.”
Members of SEEDA said they hope to have the Phase 2 feasibility study completed by this coming August.