Tour of Honor to Include Clearmont for 2022

Ira Roadifer with the Tour of Honor Flag at the Clear Creek Valley Veteran’s Memorial.
The Tour of Honor is a way for avid motorcyclists to enjoy the open road, visit veteran’s memorial sites to honor our nation’s heroes, win prizes, and donate to various charities. Charities that receive the donations are the Fisher House Foundation, Gold Star Family Memorial Foundation, of the Gary Sinise Foundation First Responders Outreach. The self-directed ride starts April 1 and goes throughout the month of September. Riders can sign up anytime during the summer.

Ira Roadifer, Clearmont, has gone on the tour three times, in 2017, 2018, and 2019, and he announced that this year the tour will include the new Veteran’s Memorial in Clearmont. The other Wyoming sites this year are Basin, Big Piney, Cheyenne, Cokeville, and Wright.

He added, “If you can’t get close enough to the memorial on your bike, you can take a photo of the flag on the bike, then take it and take a photo of the flag on the memorial.” Roadifer added he was trophies from two of his tours.
“We spent the night in Rock Springs, then we went up to Kemmerer and then to Cokeville, up through Star Valley and to Alpine. From there we headed back home.”

“On the way home, we went to the firefighter’s memorial, near Meadowlark Lake in the Bighorn Mountains. There is usually one firefighter’s monument that we visit. This one at Meadowlark is dedicated to the men trapped in Shoshone Forest Fire August 21, 1937, who died in line of duty.”
Flags across America was another facet of the tour that Roadifer mentioned.
Roadifer said he doesn’t plan to do the tour this year, and that according to the website 1037 riders have signed up already.
For more information one can go to the Tour of Honor website.

Ira roadifer
April 5, 2022 at 8:39 am
Enjoy reading about the tour of honor. Makes me want to get on the bike and head out. Thank you very very much.
Bruce Yates
April 5, 2022 at 9:47 am
Ira: You are a great supporter for veterans. Thank you.
From an old 1st Cav 8th Eng. Viet Nam Vet.