On Thursday, April 6, Sheridan County Commissioner Christi Haswell visited the Clearmont Historical Center to see the improvements that had been made with the one-cent sales...
After our long winter of 2022-23, spring is a time to celebrate. The birds are back from their southern wintering grounds, the snow is melting and...
The Clear Creek Rec District in Clearmont held its annual Easter Egg hunt on Saturday, April 8. Due to muddy conditions of the school lawn and...
With the construction beginning on Sheridan’s Main Street, this week we take a look back in time to when Sheridan went from mud streets to paved...
A warm, sunny day greeted around 15 youngsters as well as the Easter Bunny at the Arvada Women’s Club annual Easter Egg hunt on Friday, April...
Solution Tree, an education company that does Professional Learning Community training, recently named Tongue River High School as a Model Professional Learning (PLC) at Work Community...
The April Zonta meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 11 from 5:30 – 7:00 PM at the Rib and Chop House on North Main St....
On Saturday April 15th beginning at 10 a.m., the Fort Phil Kearny/Bozeman Trail Association will present a program on the Fetterman Fight at Kearney Community Hall....
In an email, Superintendent of Schools in SCSD#2 Scott Stults, announced on April 3 that schools in SCSD#2 will be dismissed early on Friday, April 7....
On April 11, 2023, from 10:30 to 12 p.m., the SCLT Explore History Program at the Hub on Smith will feature the Big Horn National Forest....
Today, we take our electric lights, appliances, water and electric heaters for granted. Our cities and towns have streetlights, and all homes and commercial buildings have...
Tomorrow is April 1. After enduring a long, cold winter, most people want a little gaiety. Enter April Fool’s Day. April 1 is April Fool’s Day,...
Pete Kilbride, who has been superintendent of SCDS#1 for five years, is retiring the end of June. Prior to that he was four years a principal...
The next Community Lunch at Clearmont School will be held on Wednesday, April 5. The menu will be beef chow mien, egg roll, salad and milk....
Even with the weather worse than usual this winter, Monday, March 27, was the first and so far only snow day of the year for SCSD...