The Fetterman Fight, also called the Battle of the Hundred-in-the-Hands by the Sioux, was fought on Dec. 21, 1866. On Dec. 21, of each year Fort...
At the Tuesday, Dec. 19, SCSD#1 Board of Trustees meeting, Tongue River Elementary Principal Ryan Fuhrman and Slack Teacher Ashlee Gorham, gave a slide presentation to...
At the SCSD#1 School Board of Trustees work session on Nov. 7, Superintendent Jeff Jones discussed finding ways to fast track the training for substitute teachers...
There will be a family friendly event on New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31, beginning at 7.m., at the Clear Creek Recreation District Center in Clearmont. There...
Clearmont Town Council met on Monday, Dec. 18 with a light agenda. Clerk Kirstie Auzqui talked to the council about how they would like the information...
Christmas with the Kenricks is a popular annual event at the Kendrick Mansion, which was held on Dec. 15-16 and 17th. It is in the fifth...
On December 16, Ucross, the Artist’s Residency Program, held its 11th annual Community Christmas Celebration to a standing room only crowd. Along with the Buffalo Balladiers,...
When Wyoming was a very new state, it was granted statehood on July 10 of 1890, there was a fight over who owned a strip of...
On December 21, beginning at Fort Phil Kearney at 10 a.m., the fort will host the annual Fetterman Fight Anniversary Program. Donovin Sprague will give the...
Around 50 students filled one room at Sheridan College with science displays ranging from plant science to solving crimes to medicines. Rob Milne Chemistry Instructor, Science...
SCSD#3 School Board met on Wednesday, Dec. 13, at Clearmont School. One item on the agenda was the acceptance of the letter of resignation from Amy...
The Sheridan Community Land Trust (SCLT) held the first of its two December Explore History program “A Virtual Float Down Big Goose Creek,” at The Hub...
Superintendents Scott Stults, SCSD#2, Jeff Jones, SCSD#1 and Chase Christensen, SCSD#3, approached the legislators with their concerns on Tuesday, Dec. 5, at the Sheridan County Chamber...
(Photo of Goose Creek in the early 1800s, also showing one of Sheridan’s first cabins. Diorama by Tom Warnke) The Sheridan Community Land Trust has announced...
Craig Johnson, local author the popular Longmire series, each year shares a Longmire Christmas short story with audiences at various venues throughout the area. Johnson said...