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Appropriations Committee Begins Work on Budget

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The Wyoming Legislature’s Joint Appropriations Committee will meet for the next two weeks in Cheyenne to work on the budget for the biennium. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.

Governor Talks Budget

The Appropriations Committee began a series of budget hearings Monday that are scheduled to last through the end of next week. Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon addressed the Committee about his $3.1 billion budget proposal for the next two years by saying that his budget is one that prepares the State for adverse times.

Governor Gordon

Gordon stated to the committee that spending cuts for the upcoming biennium will most likely be necessary.

Governor Gordon

Aside from budget work, the Joint Appropriations Committee is scheduled to review legislation related to school facilities construction, state capital construction, and appropriations for local government. The committee is also scheduled to meet two weeks in January leading up to the 2020 Legislative Budget Session that begins on February 10.

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