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Governor Gordon Takes Action on 25 Bills

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Governor Mark Gordon took action on 25 bills on Thursday, April 1. Among the bills signed into law today were two that the Governor enthusiastically supported –  House Bill 58 and Senate File 116.

HB 58 allows the Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources the flexibility to use more of their fees to offset recent budget reductions. State Parks saw a 36% increase in visitation last year and expects similar, higher visitation this year. The bill provides the agency with the ability to fund park maintenance and hire seasonal staff, improving the visitor experience.

SF 116 will help the Wyoming Business Council Board of Directors operate more efficiently and increase engagement. Maximizing government efficiency was one of the goals highlighted by the Governor in his State of the State address and this piece of legislation furthers that goal. 

The Governor signed the following bills:

Bill No.Enrolled Act #Bill Title
SF0035SEA0015State budget department
SF0021SEA0016Judicial review of agency actions-permissible venues
SF0023SEA0017Public meetings-executive sessions for security plans
SF0119SEA0018Investment of state permanent funds
SF0079SEA0020Medicaid billing for school-based services.
SF0072SEA0021Financial council and reporting-budget reductions.
SF0062SEA0022Repealing sunset date for the office of consumer advocate.
SF0040SEA0023Wyoming Money Transmitters Act-amendments.
SF0039SEA0024Digital identity.
SF0106SEA0027Transportation statutory amendments-1.
SF0107SEA0028Transportation statutory amendments-2.
SF0108SEA0029Career and technical education terminology.
SF0110SEA0030Small claims procedures.
SF0116SEA0031Wyoming business council directors-reduction.
HB0054HEA0030Wyoming meat packing initiative.
HB0058HEA0031State parks account-expenditure authority.
HB0014HEA0034Rights of way along public ways-amendments.
HB0021HEA0035Wyoming National Guard-preference for education.
HB0076HEA0037Uniform statewide payment processing.
HB0109HEA0038Local health officers-education requirements.
HB0148HEA0039Fees paid to secretary of state-amendments.
HB0064HEA0040Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act-extinguishing claims.
HB0104HEA0042Uniform Trust Code-amendments.
HB0217HEA0044Community health center and rural health clinic grants.

The full list of bills the Governor has taken action on during the 2021 Legislative Session can be found on the Governor’s website. 

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