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SHS projects nearly 90 percent graduation rate this year

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Nearly 90 percent of Sheridan High School’s seniors are expected to graduate this year.

Scott Stults, an assistant superintendent and incoming superintendent of schools for Sheridan County School District 2, said the graduation rate is, in fact, 88 percent this year, which is higher than last year’s 81 percent.

Stults said the district doesn’t yet have projected numbers for the John C. Schiffer School graduates, because some of those students will graduate early. He said the numbers won’t be known until the end of the year, but usually the graduation rate is around 75 to 80 percent.

Graduation ceremonies for John C. Schiffer School seniors will be May 29, a Saturday, and for Sheridan High School, the following day, on May 30.

Stults said if the weather allows for an outdoor ceremony, graduation ceremonies at Sheridan High School could look very similar to last year. At that time, students were limited in the number of people they could invite, but crowds were larger than if the ceremony had to be held indoors. If weather forces an indoor ceremony, Stults said, numbers would have to be limited to no more than 500 people.

Stults said the Schiffer school graduation was held outside last year, and that worked really well. He said the venue for the Schiffer graduation hasn’t been determined yet, but there are fewer students at the Schiffer school, which means fewer people – both students and guests – to be accommodated.

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