Students, parents favor ‘hybrid’ virtual learning

The majority of students and parents surveyed in Sheridan County School District 2 appear to favor a “hybrid” version of virtual instruction rather than instruction given entirely online.
Scott Stults, who’s an assistant superintendent for the school district, said “hybrid” means that students would take an online class but would also attend classes in-person at Sheridan High School.
Stults said among parents, around 9 percent said yes and 20 percent “maybe” to just online learning, while nearly 12 percent said yes and over 24 percent said “maybe” to the hybrid version.
Stults said the school district has continued to gather more information regarding an online high school instruction program. He said in the hybrid version of the program, along with online instruction, the student would be required to have face-to-face meetings with the instructor.
Stults said there are currently three virtual learning programs operating in Wyoming, and all three are done by third parties, with all instruction online and very little interaction between student and teacher.
He said the Sheridan County School District 2 program would be different, with face-to-face contact between student and teacher either via Zoom or in person. In addition, he said, the teachers involved would be teachers at Sheridan High School.
School District 2 trustees have heard two discussions to date on the virtual learning proposal, and a third presentation is scheduled at their board retreat, which will be held Saturday. At that time, Stults said, trustees are expected to decide whether to offer a virtual high school option.