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BHS Entrepreneurs Awarded Funds in Start-Up Challenge

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Five Buffalo High School student entrepreneurs gave presentations on their business ideas to a panel of judges compiled by IMPACT 307 for a chance to win funding to make their ideas a reality.

The inaugural Buffalo High School Start-Up Challenge was held on Wednesday, and the five students and their ideas were: Sam Hulick with N.E.W. Bricks: Chase Wellington with Hell Hound Forge; Caydence Engling with Purpose Planner; Katelyn Sutton with Breezy Bookings; and Aaron Dyess with Car Meets Now.

According to a release from Scot Rendall with IMPACT 307, all five did an outstanding job of creating and preparing a professional presentation.

The judges, after discussing the merits of each business plan, recommended sub-dividing the seed funding into two rounds.

The winners of Wednesday’s first round, in no particular order, were Hell Hound Forge, N.E.W. Bricks, and Purpose Planner.

The winners of Wednesday’s first round, in no particular order, were Hell Hound Forge – $400 awarded, to be used for business registration ($100), purchase of a forge and forging tools; N.E.W. Bricks – $600 awarded, to be used for business registration ($100), website development, and hosting fees; and Purpose Planner – $300 awarded, to be used for business registration ($100) and materials for creation of a prototype planner.

The judges elected to award $100 each to Breezy Bookings and Car Meets Now for business registration and invited both to participate in the second round.

In January the second and final round will take place and all five finalists will re-pitch their plans.

They will respond to judges’ questions and detail specific budget dollar requests that will aid in launching their business.

The $3,500 in remaining seed fund will be awarded in the final round, and each of the finalists will have opportunities to receive a share of the remaining funds.

Rendall said in the release, “congratulations goes out to all five finalists and the solid progress they’ve made thus far in their plans. It’s been great to work with all of you.”

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