WYDOT to Begin Repair of Retaining Wall on US 16 West of Buffalo

The Wyoming Department of Transportation will soon begin repair of a retaining wall on US 16 West of Buffalo. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
A contract was awarded by WYDOT to Oftedal Construction in an amount of just over $809,000 to rebuild a block retaining wall on US 16 west of Buffalo. Oftedal will begin mobilizing equipment next week to repair the retaining wall that has been damaged from two runaway truck events that occurred in October of 2023 and August of 2022. Both incidents involved trucks losing their brakes while traveling east down US 16 and leaving the roadway, breaking through the guardrail and off the steep shoulder damaging the upper portion of the retaining wall.
Work to be completed includes excavating two to three feet of the existing wall, removing and replacing the existing concrete blocks, and replacing the guardrail. Motorists will encounter traffic control for approximately one-quarter of a mile between mile markers 85.96 and 86.20. The eastbound lane will be closed and traffic will shift to the uphill lane and right shoulder. There will be a ten-foot width restriction in place with two-way, head-to-head traffic, a posted speed limit of 20 MPH through the work zone, and occasional flagging operations. Weather permitting, work is expected to be completed by late May of 2025.