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Clearmont Historical Group Plans Fall Projects

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On Monday, Oct. 21, the Clearmont Historical Group held their monthly meeting at the Clearmont Historical Center to discuss upcoming fall programs.

One item discussed was the replacement of the sign on the Historical Center, which was damaged.

President Robert Prusak

They also plan to replace the badly faded pictures on the sign near the site of the old rock school.

The group also discussed possible grant funding, and what the group would spend grand funds on, including the flood light and more storage shelving.

Prusak mentioned the pedestal for the plaque at the old jail, which is a joint effort between the CHG and the Clear Creek FFA. The FFA is building the pedestal.

Prusak also mentioned it was a good community project.

Sandy Hirz, CHG secretary and Historical Center director, reported on recent displays at the Center, including the Buffalo Jump near Lake DeSmet exhibit, and a possible program later about the Buffalo Jump.

Prusak reported that Dave Nicolarsen, Museum Curator at Sheridan College, and a friend is working on a research project to identify the fossil leaves and trees that once grew in Wyoming. Nicolarsen took some photos of the leaf fossils on display at the Clearmont Historical Center. Later the group hopes to have program with Nicolarsen about the fossil trees in the area.

The group also discussed member Leland Sander’s books on water rights in Northern Wyoming and irrigation in the lower Clear Creek Valley. The group agreed to donate some money on the Clear Creek Valley book, and they discussed marketing the books, which is a problem.

Upcoming in November is the annual Veteran’s Day program on Nov. 11. Several speakers will talk about their time in the service, as well as others sharing interesting military stories.

Prusak passed around a sheet with ideas for next year’s silent auction fundraiser at the Ice Cream Social held each year in August.

Next meeting will be Monday, November 18, at 1 p.m. at the Sheridan Library Fulmer Room. All those interested in Clearmont history are welcome to attend.

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