The Hub on Smith, Sheridan’s Senior Center proudly welcomes Ryan Koltiska as its new Director of Development. A Sheridan native, Koltiska brings with him a robust...
A resolution authorizing the submission of a Federal Mineral Royalty Capital Construction Account Grant (MRG) Application for improvements to the Hub on Smith’s parking lot is...
In 1972 the Senior Citizen’s Coordinating Council was formed out of a growing need for services for seniors in Sheridan. A year later the Council applied...
U.S. Senator John Barrasso was in Sheridan Friday and stopped by the Sheridan Media studios to discuss everything from 50 years of the Hub on Smith,...
The Hub on Smith in Sheridan is inviting the public to one of two upcoming listening sessions that will be held on Monday, April 24, from...
The Hub on Smith in Sheridan has been awarded $150,000 from the COVID-19 Addressing Basic Needs and Social Determinants of Health Grant, which is part of...
The Hub on Smith in Sheridan will be hosting a Trunk or Treat event on Halloween evening from 5:30 to 7:30 pm in the Hub parking...