A Look Back in Time: March 28, 1921

Now here’s Sheridan Media’s look back in time, to 100 years ago, by reporter Pat Blair as published in the Sheridan Enterprise newspaper on March 28, 1921.
John Clay, president of Clay, Robinson & Co. of Chicago, is a visitor in Sheridan.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moses are in Sheridan from the Flying V ranch.
Workmen have taken down the old ornamental lighting standards in front of the city hall, and have prepared a base for the heavier type of standards used on Main street. The Sheridan Iron Works has donated two of the standards like those used on Main street for use in front of the city hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Thompson hosted a very lovely Easter dinner yesterday at 2 o’clock. A nest surrounded by little bunnies was in the center of the table. Covers were laid for 10 guests.
For more lookbacks and to see the front page of today’s Sheridan Enterprise, visit