A Look Back in Time: February 20, 1921

Now here’s Sheridan Media’s look back in time, to 100 years ago, by reporter Pat Blair as published in the Sheridan Enterprise newspaper on Feb. 20, 1921.
With only a few hours remaining in which to complete this year’s session, the state senate this afternoon passed House Bill 42, the Sheridan-Casper City Manager bill, and sent it to the governor for his signature.
Concluding with a big free dance at the armory tonight under the auspices of the Commercial Club, observance of Optimists’ Week in Sheridan draws to a successful close at midnight tonight.
Jim Dodd, manager of the J. B. Kendrick OW ranch, who has been in Sheridan since Thursday night, left for the OW country this morning.
Mrs. C. W. Cooper, wife of the pastor of Sheridan Christian church, will conduct services in the church at Arvada today.
For more lookbacks and to see the front page of today’s Sheridan Enterprise, visit