Order would require face masks in Sheridan County
4 years agoon
Pat BlairFace masks will be required in Sheridan County starting this week if an order issued by Sheridan County Health Officer Dr. Ian Hunter is approved by the state.
Dr. Hunter has issued an order that all residents of Sheridan County except minors will wear “face coverings” – masks – when they are inside, or entering, retail or commercial businesses or county or city government facilities, when they are at healthcare facilities and when they’re waiting for or riding on public transportation, paratransit or ride-sharing vehicles.
The order would go into effect Wednesday if signed by Wyoming State Health Officer Dr. Alexia Harrist, and would remain in effect until Jan. 4.
Under the proposed order, drivers of public transportion vehicles would also be required to wear face masks when passengers are in the vehicles. Also employees, owners and volunteers working in retail and commercial businesses or city or county government facilities also are required to wear masks.
Also according to the order, all retail and commercial businesses and county and municipal buildings must post notices in a clearly visible location at or near their entrances stating that face coverings are required.
For the full text of the order, visit Sheridan County’s web page at
Andi Kramer
November 16, 2020 at 3:32 pm
Harriet Oleson
November 16, 2020 at 3:37 pm
Thank you, Thank you Doctor Hunter. At least someone has the intestinal fortitude and knowledge to stand up to the misinformation on the Net, the local rumor mill and the lips of some politicians. There are several cities in Wyoming that have had great success with mask mandates. For example, The city of Jackson even with the thousands of visitors this summer, has a very low number of infections. MASKS WORK!!! Have respect for others wear a mask.. PRETTY PLEASE !!
Janette Mydland
November 16, 2020 at 3:45 pm
Thank you for putting the greater good ahead of missifornation and politics.
ray olson
November 16, 2020 at 4:04 pm
Please point out to offenders that wearing a mask is not a political statement, it’s an IQ test.
David W Verdeyen
November 16, 2020 at 5:09 pm
I am all for the mandate to wear masks in public areas or in and around close proximity of people, But IQ test really? Then why didnt the state county or city mandate this in Febuary? Why did the state open up to tourism, out of state hunters, fishing you know the things people come to Wyoming for? Look at the numbers at the beginning of this big surge we are having in really coincides with the beginning of Deer and Elk Pronghorn seasons. I have seen more people out in the walk in areas from Wa,Co,Ut,Ar,Mi,Wi,Pa,Nj,Ny,Ca, you all know the hard hit states. Where was the states IQ test for our state goverment then?
Ioseb Jughashvilli
November 16, 2020 at 5:52 pm
Ray, you would be that dumb to think that it’s an IQ test.
Ioseb Jughashvilli
November 16, 2020 at 6:01 pm
Ray, anyone who posts that they are smarter than others is usually the idiot. Nice try.
Cheryl Nelson
November 16, 2020 at 4:38 pm
In section 2c it lists public transit, buses, ride sharing etc, what does private car service mean specifically? If I personally give someone a ride in my car that I am friends with or other family members we have to wear masks? Or is this private car services businesses provide?
Ezra Petersen
November 16, 2020 at 9:28 pm
Cheryl are you joking? Do you honestly think any law enforcement agency is going to stop you and ask about this kind of thing ? But to answer your question no people in your personal car do not have to wear masks. This mandate refers basically to businesses or more broadly domains open to the public. And in any doubt, refer to the part that says in any of the areas masks are required, you can just say you have a medical condition that prohibits you from wearing one and you don’t have to show proof. In other words, if you claim you can’t wear one you legally don’t have to, not that anyone around here is going to enforce this anyways.
Jolene Olson
November 16, 2020 at 4:40 pm
I watched the governor’s conference last week. He needs to use his “big boy” words. Anyone who has raised kids or knows about kids knows that it does very little to call them names and then threaten that you are going to do something to them “next week” if they don’t comply.
Chaze Dannels
November 16, 2020 at 6:03 pm
Taking away any of our freedoms is never a good thing no matter the greater good I’m 99.7 percent sure
Riley Ragle
November 16, 2020 at 7:03 pm
No thank you. You cant make me do this and I won’t. So thank you but no thank you.
November 16, 2020 at 7:04 pm
If masks are the answer then why have the cases spiked after masks were mandated in Hawaii and Los Angels? I am not buying it. It’s still unclear how it’s transmitred and how folks Co tact it after wearing masks.
November 16, 2020 at 7:07 pm
Hopefully wearing a mask properly, covering both nose and mouth, not under the nose or worse, under the chin, will be covered under this order.
Scott Faulkner
November 16, 2020 at 7:39 pm
Wake up people. This doctor is not a elected official and cannot make laws. The CDC even says masks don’t work. The last I knew this was a free country. People are turning into sheep and doing what they are told to believe. All it is is the flu and has a 99% survival rate. Everyone is losing their minds and the hoarding is starting again. Wake up people.
November 17, 2020 at 3:38 am
Harriett Oleson
November 17, 2020 at 7:55 am
Scott. Over 200,000 Americans have DIED from what you call “a flu”, 1.33 MILLION world wide, that’s real facts, not a alternate made-up facts from the internet. The county health department certainly can legally make this ordinance, that’s why we have such a health department, to regulate for the good of the general public. The CDC has NEVER said “masks don’t work”, or maybe you could give me the date and context of that CDC statement you are quoting. Lastly this is a free country, free to make laws for the good of everyone. That sir, is the very definition of civilization. A high survival rate? Maybe, but when MILLIONS of people are infected that is a LOT of deaths. Hundreds of thousands of Grandparents, kids, college students, husbands and wives are dying and you say it is Just A Flu. Wake up yourself Scott we believe all these lives are worth saving. If you aren’t tough enough to wear an uncomfortable mask for the next few months, then please just respect others right to LIVE.
November 17, 2020 at 2:13 pm
August 23, 2020. The CDC stated that close contact with people, the virus will be exchanged, whether either party was wearing a mask or not. Took me about 3 minutes to find this. Try using a non-biased search engine in your research. NOT GOOGLE.
Harriett Oleson
November 17, 2020 at 3:08 pm
And that to you means “the CDC says masks don’t work” if anything is biased here it is your interpretation of what the CDC said. Of Course, close contact {touching, hugging etc} is going to spread the virus but partner that sure doesn’t mean “masks Don’t Work” Come on Man let’s just take care of each other. Try to Be tough enough to wear a mask for a few months and show a little respect for your fellow man
November 17, 2020 at 9:41 pm
So in 9 months 8 people have died and how many of the 8 had other problems? Not really seeing the big crisis.
Teri Moore
November 16, 2020 at 8:28 pm
Will anyone making comments opposed to this order, please state their medical education achievements, so the rest of us thinking people, can properly take into consideration your remarks.
November 17, 2020 at 3:37 am
I will not comply.
ray olson
November 17, 2020 at 3:39 am
How long did it take for people to pass the second hand smoking test? You are welcome to apply for a Darwin award- but you shouldn’t be allowed to take the rest of us with you. Just wear the mask,
November 17, 2020 at 5:01 am
They stopped the whole world with a scary story.
You have any loved ones in an old folks home?
How is the isolation treating them?
November 17, 2020 at 6:53 am
If we are going mandated this, There must be consequences or what good will it do .
Andy Lowe
November 17, 2020 at 9:54 am
Thank you Dr. Hunter! It is, and has long been time for this action. FINALLY someone with the guts to take a stand!
November 17, 2020 at 11:43 am
Masks take away your freedom? Really? A piece of cloth or paper donned on a temporary basis is a freedom issue? How about this little list of freedom killers. Do you self proclaimed freedom protectors ignore these too? Or are you just selective:
-Speed limits.
-Stop signs.
-Driving Lane restrictions.
-The orange you must wear when gun hunting (or not… or is it the freedom to get shot?).
-Licensing requirements of all sorts
-Hunting and fishing rules
-Waste dumping
-Driving while intoxicated
-Smoking restrictions
-Knives and guns on aircraft
-Shop lifting
-Robbing banks
-Jay walking
-and on and on and on
Perhaps for you self proclaimed “freedom patriots” we should eliminate all of the above list of freedom restrictions and just go for anarchy on the highways and in our communities. If someone gets killed…. their problem?
In past times of adversity, it is the people of this country pulling together to prevail over evil that is a hallmark of American society. Such as war. We are at war with a virus. If any other foreign invader entered our country and slaughtered a quarter of a million U.S. citizens, there would be abject outrage at the invader. War would be declared against the invader and true patriots would come together and unify to defeat the enemy. Nobody is asking you to pick up arms and risk your life for our country. Only to occasionally wear a mask till this is over.
November 17, 2020 at 12:13 pm
Riley , Scott and James , I’ll will say a prayer for your family! I can only hope none of them pass away from Covid , We never thought we’d lose a family member to Covid but we did. It’s here and it is real. Put your mask where your mouth is and help safe a live. God Bless You
November 17, 2020 at 3:37 pm
Thank you Dr. Hunter. Sheridan’s essential and healthcare workers deserve to be protected from this virus, as best we can. They risk their lives for us every day, wearing a mask is the least we can do.