New COVID-19 cases confirmed in Sheridan County

Six more positive COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in Sheridan County since last Thursday, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the county to 25.
Four cases were confirmed on Monday. According to information from the county’s Incident Management Team, two positive cases were confirmed in one household on Monday, and two more in another household. Investigation of all of the incidents is ongoing.
In one household, there is a history of recent out-of-state travel, and in the other, there’s a history of contact with an out-of-state symptomatic individual.
Remaining cases include one confirmed on Friday and one on Thursday. The case confirmed on Thursday involved a recent history of out-of-state travel. Both of those are isolating at home.
None of the six new cases are related to any other cases in Sheridan.
Of the 25 confirmed cases to date, 19 are reported recovered. Also to date, among non-Sheridan County residents who have been tested in Sheridan, nine have been confirmed positive, and all nine are reported recovered.
According to the report, as travel increases through the summer, the Incident Management Team is expecting to see more positive cases come into the community. They are asking people to continue to be vigilant and practice all appropriate hygiene and distancing recommendations.