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Johnson County OKs 2020-2021 TANF Grants

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Johnson County’s Commissioners heard presentations for grant applications from the Buffalo Childrens’ Center, Compass Center for Families and the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Bighorns.

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF Grants, are for Fiscal Year 2021 from the Wyoming Department of Family Services’ Community Partnership Initiative program.

Cheyann Pehringer spoke for the Buffalo Childrens’ Center, saying they were requesting $16,000 for extended childcare hours.

Kassahn Mathson with Compass Center for Families explained they were asking for $25,000 for their visitation programs in Johnson County.

The Boys and Girls Clubs of the Bighorns asked for $20,000 for after school programs, according to Director of Operations Scott Musselman.

The commissioners voted to approve the grant applications on behalf of the three organizations.

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