Sheridan Commission Approves Coroner Security System

The Sheridan County Commission has approved the purchase of a security and monitoring system for the new county coroner’s building that was completed in the fall of 2023.
County Administrative Director Cameron Duff discussed the proposals received for the security and monitoring systems.
Duff said both options have monitoring in the contracts which require a $40 a month monitoring fee.
He said County Coroner Dr. Robert Byrd had reviewed both proposals and recommended the county approve the contract with D.B. Smart Homes & Security, LLC.

Dennis Fox
March 8, 2024 at 3:20 pm
Why is it considered “news” when the commission is doing their normal job?
Oh, that’s right. When they were supposed to follow the Law and select a person to fill a Board Vacancy….They Failed to do their Jobs.
And they Failed in a very big and public way.
Resignation beats Removal.