Lummis, Colleagues Lead Call for Senate Trial for Mayorkas Impeachment

U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) and her colleagues led a letter to Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to demand a Senate trial for U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas’ impeachment, highlighting the Senate’s constitutional obligation to conduct a thorough trial following the House impeaching him earlier this month.
Senator Lummis said under Secretary Mayorkas’ failed leadership, dangerous cartels have assumed control of the southwest border, rolling out the red carpet for people on the terror watchlist and flooding our communities with lethal drugs. We cannot allow him to continue to hide from the consequences of this administration’s open-door policies. Lummis added the Senate has a constitutional obligation to conduct a thorough trial which examines the Secretary’s willful and repeated refusal to uphold the law, and she urges Republican leadership not to stand idly by as Senator Schumer attempts to sweep this dereliction of duty under the rug.

Fred Osborn
February 21, 2024 at 8:13 am
All these right wing people want to do is throw cow patties…then the other side throws them back. No wonder Congress is dysfunctional. New blood is badly needed in DC…and not more of the same.
Dennis Fox
February 22, 2024 at 2:20 pm
The Invasion of America has to stop or we will lose our country. Impeaching the guy in charge of the Border is just the start of turning this thing around and then Making America Great Again.
The brain-dead sock-puppet would be next… except we’d get the kackler in chief to follow.
I hope Nov. gets here before it’s too late.