City Council Considers Grant Relinquishment Resolution

The Sheridan City Council met for their regularly scheduled business meeting Monday night. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
In September of 2020, the City of Sheridan submitted an application to the Wyoming Water Development Commission for Level Three Construction Funding based on a total project cost estimate of $4.6 million for the Sheridan Airport Water Transmission Main Project. The City received grant funding for the project in the amount of $3.1 million. The City Council approved a resolution at their meeting Monday night to relinquish the grant for the project. City Assistant Utilities Director Jacob Martineau said the grant relinquishment was necessary due to the current estimated cost of the project increasing by 145 percent.
The Council also approved a resolution for the Skyview North Minor Subdivision and final acceptance of public infrastructure for the Cloud Peak Ranch 24th filing phase one subdivision.