46th Annual Dayton Days begins July 28

According to Dayton Days Committee chairman Keith Reichert, what started as a parade in celebration of the United States bicentennial, 46 years ago, has evolved into something much more for the residents and visitors to the small town of Dayton.
It was this beloved parade that would become Dayton Days. The celebration now hosts a 1 mile fun run for those 3 – 80 years of age, a pool party for high schoolers, a movie in the park for families, the crowd favored Cowpie Classic and new for this year, the Big Horns tennis shoe kick off.
While appearing on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program, Reichert brought along high school students, Joy Manibusan and Baylie May to talk about the high school dance happening on Friday July 28.
Every child still in high school or who has graduated this year, is invited to the dance.
Reichart explained a little about the Cow-pie Classic.
The Movie in the Park this year will be a showing of “The Sandlot” Rated PG.
Plenty of vendors will be available.
Saturday will begin with the Dayton/Ranchester Rotary Club preparing a pancake breakfast beginning at 6:30 a.m. The 1 mile fun run will follow and top runners will be awarded. The parade kicks off at 10 a.m. with Grand Marshalls Albert and Jane Bull.
Games will include:
Duck Race at noon
Volleyball tourney
Pie Eating contest
Home Depot Crafts for kids
Game and Fish Bear Safety
Dime toss
Corn Hole Tourney
Water Fight at 4 p.m., organized by the Dayton Volunteer Fire Department.
On Saturday, Tris Munsick and the Innocents will hold a concert beginning at 7 p.m.
For a schedule of Dayton Days 2023 “A place to Grow”, to print and keep, click here.