Guns Recovered from Burglary in Sheridan

The Sheridan Police Department received a report of a burglary at a single family residence in Sheridan Tuesday, March 28. The resident/reporting party advised the PD that several firearms had been taken from the residence. According to a media release issued by the Sheridan Police Department, officers and detectives quickly identified suspects and recovered the stolen property, which included 12 firearms of various types as well as ammunition of varying calibers. Gabriel Holcomb and Jordan Brite, both 18 years of age, were arrested for burglary and theft. Four juveniles were charged with aggravated burglary and theft, and one adult female was cited for misdemeanor accessory after the fact. No further information can be released at this time as the investigation and court proceedings are ongoing.
The Sheridan Police department strongly advocates that firearms be kept locked up and out of sight unless they are ready to be used or transported. Firearms, or tools intended for personal protection, can be stored in a variety of manners that allow quick access. The Sheridan County Sheriff’s Office and Sheridan Area Search and Rescue assisted in the investigation and the recovery of some of the stolen property that had been disposed of in bodies of water.