Library Board Gets First Look at Budget

Sheridan County Library System trustees got their first look at the budget for the coming year in their meeting Wednesday night.
Library Director Cameron Duff said the budget at this stage was for discussion only, and trustees will take no action until their meeting next month.

At this point, Duff said, the budget isn’t balanced. Cash carry-over is expected to be about $13,000 less, and expenses about $12,000 more than the current year’s budget. Among the big expenses, Duff said, will be resurfacing the parking lot of the Sheridan Fulmer Public Library. He said that work is done every four years and is projected to cost about $9,000.
Duff also is projecting that insurance costs will go up at least $2,000 in the year ahead.
Library trustees will have to approve a draft budget at their meeting in March, and that proposed budget will be submitted to Sheridan County commissioners.
Starting in March, Duff said, county commissioners are expected to schedule meetings with the heads of the county’s departments to review budget requests and prepare the overall county budget that will go into effect on July 1.