Botten to Seek Reelection for Clerk of District Court Position

A Sheridan County elected official has announced her intention to seek reelection. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
Sheridan County Clerk of District Court Renee Botten will seek reelection for the position she’s held since being elected in 2018. Botten talks about what led to her decision to run for another term.
Botten explains why Judge Edelman’s retirement affects Sheridan County.
Botten says despite the challenges presented the last two years by the COVID-19 pandemic, her office did not shut down one day.
Botten talks about her experience in the office and as an attorney.
The filing period for candidates is May 12 through May 27. This year’s primary election will be August 16 and the general election will be held November 8.